Question Correct Answer DVP Score Dave O Homburger Score Steve O Score Liam Score Drew Score Amy Score Greg Score Alex Score Teresa Score Jim Score Min Value Max Value
What percentage of the popular vote will the winning candidate for
president receive in 2024?
49.9 52 83.85 51 91.54 51 91.54 52 83.85 47 77.69 50 99.23 45 62.31 58 37.69 51.1 90.77 55 60.77 45 58
After the 2024 election how many total seats will Republicans hold in
the US Congress?  (of 535 total seats)
273 268 94.74 295 76.84 269 95.79 280 92.63 270 96.84 216 40 217 41.05 248 73.68 269 95.79 200 23.16 200 295
Will any US Supreme Court Justice die or announce their retirement in
No No 100 No 100 No 100 Yes 0 Yes 0 No 100 No 100 Yes 0 No 100 Yes 0
In millions, what will the “Total of All Marijuana Taxes, Licenses and
Fees'' be for FY2024-25 according to
(636.2 million for FY2023-24)
620 0 625 0 268.54 0 682.31 0 630 0 625 0 639.7 0 628.8 0 225 0 640 0 0 682.31
Will Benjamin Netanyahu still be Prime Minister of Israel on
Yes Yes 100 Yes 100 No 0 No 0 No 0 Yes 100 Yes 100 No 0 No 0 Yes 100
Who will be the Republican nominee for President and Vice-President
on the November 2024 ballot?
Trump, Vance Trump, Scott 50 Trump, Scott 50 Trump, Stefanik 50 Trump, Scott 50 Trump, Noem 50 Trump, Noem 50 Trump, Carson 50 Trump, Scott 50 Trump, Noem 50 Trump, Stefanik 50
What Television show will win Outstanding Primetime Drama Series at
the 2024 Emmys?
Shogun Shogun 100 Avatar Last Airbender 0 Masters of the Air 0 The Crown 0 The Crown 0 The Bear 0 Succession 0 The Crown 0 True Detective 0 The Crown 0
In percentage, what will be the initial reported increase of GDP for
2024? (released in January 2025 by the BEA)
2 0 2 0 2.3 0 2.3 0 1.75 0 1.8 0 2.8 0 2.8 0 1 0 7 0 0 7
Will Dick Van Dyke still be alive at 11:59 pm GMT 12/31/2024? Yes Yes 100 Yes 100 Yes 100 Yes 100 Yes 100 Yes 100 Yes 100 Yes 100 No 0 Yes 100
Will Donald Trump be found guilty of any felony charge in any of his
many court cases in 2024?
Yes Yes 100 No 0 No 0 Yes 100 Yes 100 No 0 No 0 Yes 100 Yes 100 Yes 100
Of Colorado’s 8 Congressional districts, how many will be won by
Democrats in the 2024 General Election?
4 5 50 4 100 5 50 5 50 6 0 5 50 6 0 5 50 4.4 80 5 50 4 6
On what date, after July 4th 2024 will the first measurable snow fall at
the Denver Airport Weather Station?
11/05/2024 11/7/2024 94.29 10/20/2024 54.29 10/11/2024 28.57 10/27/2024 74.29 11/7/2024 94.29 10/31/2024 85.71 11/6/2024 97.14 10/18/2024 48.57 10/22/2024 60 11/15/2024 71.43 241011 241115
Dow Jones Industrial Stock Average at close 12/31/2024? 42544 37999 54.55 35000 24.56 40004 74.6 41069 85.25 45000 75.44 35000 24.56 39000 64.56 38888 63.44 35777 32.33 38000 54.56 35000 45000
NASDAQ Stock Average at close 12/31/2024? 19311 16000 52.7 13000 9.84 17017 67.23 17420 72.99 20000 90.16 14000 24.13 17000 66.99 13888 22.53 14222 27.3 17000 66.99 13000 20000
Prime rate at the Wells Fargo Bank of Denver on 12/31/2024? 7.5 8 77.78 8 77.78 8.1 73.33 8 77.78 8.25 66.67 6 33.33 8 77.78 8 77.78 8 77.78 8 77.78 6 8.25
Total precipitation at Denver’s Airport Weather Station in 2024? In
14.08 19.99 0 16 67.51 14.24 97.29 14.21 97.8 17 50.59 16 67.51 16 67.51 18.88 18.78 17.25 46.36 15 84.43 14.08 19.99
Price of gold (per ounce) on London Exchange at close on
2641 2400 90.8 1700 64.07 2024 76.44 2134 80.64 2100 79.34 1999 75.49 1905 71.9 2088 78.89 2120 80.11 22 0 22 2641
Average price of Colorado regular unleaded gasoline per gallon
according to on 12/31/2024?
2.887 2.65 60.5 2.95 89.5 3.24 41.17 2.94 91.17 3.15 56.17 2.75 77.17 2.75 77.17 2.8 85.5 2.95 89.5 3.25 39.5 2.65 3.25
According to the Denver Airport Weather Station, how many days will
reach 90 degrees Fahrenheit or above in Denver during 2024?
64 55 62.5 45 20.83 58 75 47 29.17 55 62.5 40 0 44 16.67 40 0 45 20.83 45 20.83 40 64
Price in US $ of one Bitcoin at midnight 12/31/2024? 93409 55000 43.85 25000 0 69240 64.67 26004 1.47 80000 80.4 30000 7.31 45280 29.65 38888 20.3 43000 26.31 70000 65.78 25000 93409
How many hurricanes will make landfall in the US as Class 3 or higher
in 2024?
2 1 66.67 2 100 2 100 1 66.67 0 33.33 2 100 2 100 2 100 2 100 3 66.67 0 3
In millions, according to BoxOfficeMojo, how much will the top movie
make domestically in 2024?
652.98 600 79.84 725 72.6 524.5 51.11 548 60.05 600 79.84 600 79.84 636.2 93.61 787.3 48.89 650 98.87 650 98.87 524.5 787.3
Which two teams will play in the NCAA Basketball championship game
in 2024?
UConn, Purdue UConn, Houston 50 UConn, Purdue 100 UConn, Kentucky 50 UConn, Gonzaga 50 UConn,Houston 50 Houston, UConn 50 UConn, Purdue 100 Creighton, UConn 50 Arizona, Florida 0 UConn, Houston 50
How many games will the Colorado Avalanche win during the 2024
NHL playoffs?
6 16 28.57 7 92.86 11 64.29 2 71.43 9 78.57 7 92.86 11 64.29 15 35.71 16 28.57 16 28.57 2 16
Which two teams will play in the NHL Stanley Cup Finals in 2024? Panthers, Oilers Avalanche, Rangers 0 Bruins, Canucks 0 Bruins, Oilers 50 Panthers, Jets 50 Bruins, Oilers 50 Bruins, Avalanche 0 Rangers, Canucks 0 Avalanche, Rangers 0 Avalanche, Bruins 0 Avalanche, Celtics 0
How many games will the Denver Nuggets win during the 2024 NBA
7 16 0 10 66.67 15 11.11 9 77.78 7 100 16 0 16 0 15 11.11 16 0 16 0 7 16
Which two teams will play for the 2024 NBA Championship? Celtics, Mavericks Nuggets, Celtics 50 Celtics, Nuggets 50 Nuggets, Celtics 50 Celtics, Thunder 50 Timberwolves, Celtics 50 Nuggets, Celtics 50 Nuggets, Celtics 50 Nuggets, Celtics 50 Nuggets, Celtics 50 Nuggets, Celtics 50
Which two national teams will play in the Olympic Gold Medal game
for Women’s Soccer?
USA, Brazil USA, Australia 50 USA, China 50 USA, Spain 50 USA, France 50 Spain, Australia 0 USA, Germany 50 USA, England 50 USA, China 50 Spain, Germany 0 Japan, USA 50
Which two national teams will play in the Olympic Gold Medal game
for Men’s Basketball?
USA, France USA, Serbia 50 USA, Slovokia 50 USA, Serbia 50 Serbia, USA 50 USA, Spain 50 USA, Serbia 50 USA, Serbia 50 USA, France 100 USA, Spain 50 USA, Serbia 50
How many gold medals will the USA win in the 2024 Summer
40 41 88.89 40 100 44 55.56 37 66.67 38 77.78 37 66.67 42 77.78 38 77.78 41 88.89 35 44.44 35 44
How many games will the Colorado Rockies win in the 2024 regular
61 62 95.83 75 41.67 60 95.83 53 66.67 65 83.33 62 95.83 77 33.33 58 87.5 57 83.33 60 95.83 53 77
Which two teams will play in the Baseball World Series in 2024? Dodgers, Yankees Dodgers, Orioles 50 Dodgers, Red Sox 50 Rangers, Dodgers 50 Astros, Dodgers 50 Dodgers, Astros 50 Dodgers, Astros 50 Dodgers, Orioles 50 Yankees, Astros 50 Dodgers, Orioles 50 Yankees, Braves 50
How many touchdowns will the leading QB for the Denver Broncos
throw for in the 2024 NFL regular season?
29 17 29.41 32 82.35 28 94.12 22 58.82 16 23.53 20 47.06 15 17.65 28 94.12 20 47.06 15 17.65 15 32
How many games will the Denver Broncos win in the 2024 regular
10 8 66.67 8 66.67 6 33.33 6 33.33 8 66.67 8 66.67 4 0 8 66.67 7 50 5 16.67 4 10
Which two teams will play in the College Football Championship game
in 2025?
Georgia, Ohio State 0 Ohio State, Alabama 0 Georgia, Ohio State 0 Michigan, Alabama 0 Georgia, Texas 0 Georgia, Alabama 0 Ohio State, Georgia 0 Ohip State, Michigan 0 Georgia, Washington 0 Alabama, Ohio State 0
Which two teams will play in the 2025 NFL Super Bowl Game? Chiefs, 49ers 0 Ravens, Cowboys 0 Chiefs, Cowboys 0 Bills, Cowboys 0 Chiefs, Packers 0 Chiefs, 49ers 0 Lions, Bills 0 Ravens, Packers 0 Chiefs, Eagles 0 49ers, Bills 0
Total 63.17 60.92 59.09 59.01 58.54 54.17 53.42 51.53 50.74 49.5